Dark Disco Festival Vol. I


(English below)

Nach einer erfolgreichen Saison mit Dark-Disco-Partys im Albani, geht Dark Disco mit einem Sommerkonzert + Partykonzept in die Sommerpause.

Wir werden die grossartige Location im Zeughausblock geniessen und mit Walter Frosch und Dunkelsucht eine Menge Spass haben.

Jetzt ticket bestellen auf Eventfrog.ch


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After a successful season of Dark Disco parties in Albani, Dark Disco is going into its summer break with a summer concert + party concept.

We will enjoy the great location in the Zeughausblock and have a lot of fun with Walter Frosch and Dunkelsucht.


Walter Frosch (the band) has little in common with Walter Frosch (the football player): while the latter was known as a rough player both on and off the field, the band distinguishes itself by skillfully and independently creating nostalgic wave and synth-pop songs that are so convincing that we can do without the label “retro.” Comparisons with Joy Division and Grauzone are considered acceptable.

Chain-smoker Walter Frosch (the football player) would have had a hard time keeping up with the of these pieces without losing his breath.


Dunkelsucht bring a concentrated load of electro shocks from industrial, future and synthpop sounds to the stage and invite you to dance. The project, which has existed since 2017, is lyrically located in the realm of new German death art.

In 2018, they were guests of L’Âme Immortelle on the “Schattenwelten” tour. Rarely has an opener been praised as much as the gloomy electronic musicians from Switzerland. Various other concerts followed, including at the Wave Gotik Treffen in Leipzig and the Static Darkness Festival in London (2019). After a longer silence due to the pandemic period, Dunkelsucht returns to the stages and also has one or two new songs to present.

Most recently, Dunkelsucht opened for Lacrimosa at the Summer Open Air in Gründelpark Glauchau in June 2023.


After the concerts, DJ Karaya and DJ Shuffle will lead the dance night with dark wave, post-punk, EBM and electro. Both have been co-organisers of SchattentanZ since 2014 and are active as guest DJs in the Bern area.